The Conference will involve participation from officials from the Ministry of Health and ODIPY, as well as representatives from the Region of Apulia, along with healthcare professionals from Greece and abroad. The conference aims to present the project's results, which include, among other things:
- The establishment of a sustainable cross-border network between Greece and Italy in the field of healthcare.
- The exchange of experiences regarding home healthcare between the Greek and Italian healthcare systems through an electronic platform for remote healthcare services.
- The organization of educational seminars for project partners, experts, and healthcare professionals to enhance skills and share knowledge.
- The development of the eHealthPass platform, the mHealth application, and the online collaboration platform to support digital healthcare services, cooperation, and the exchange of best practices.
- A study on the development of online tools related to Covid-19 for expanding research and policy-making regarding remote healthcare services.
- The acquisition of medical technology equipment.
The European project Cooperation for Health 2 (CoofHea2), implemented under the Interreg Greece-Italy 2014-2020 Program and co-financed by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and national resources from Greece and Italy, represents a pioneering cross-border network in the healthcare sector. It aims to provide a systematic approach to meet the healthcare service needs of the involved regions through the implementation of a combination of strategic actions.